Are you overwhelmed by your unorganized home? Feeling stressed out by your space? You don’t have to feel like that anymore. Simple tricks can help you keep a clean and organized home even with a busy schedule.

When the home is disorganized and cluttered, the mind also becomes disorganized. I know that feeling very well…
There’s nothing like an organized, calm space to give you peace of mind. To be able to focus on anything and be productive, I need to have a clean and organized home around me.
That’s why I like to keep things in order around me. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but there needs to be some sort of order in the house.
An organized home is essential for an organized life
The point of an organized home is not to have it look like it’s out of magazine.
I talk about keeping an organized and clean home because it is good for you.
- It helps reduce stress. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who gets stressed by the messes around the house. Sitting in a cluttered space just makes it impossible to relax. And who needs more stress? err, no one.
- You don’t waste time looking for things, or figuring out what you need to do, or just being distracted by all the clutter and mess around you.
- It increases your productivity since you got back all your wasted time from looking for misplaced items, and from being distracted. You will be more motivated to do things when everything is organized.
That is just to name a few things.
So today, I wanted to share with you 7 things that I do on a daily basis to help keep a clean and organized home.
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7 Habits for a Clean and Organized Home
These simple tips easily become second nature, and they are great habits to have.
1. Everything should have a home
You should have a designated place for everything. Have a place for each item that you own, and keep every item in its place.
Give everything you own a place for you to store it. You’ll make it easier for yourself to put things away when they have a home, and it will keep things organized. You will also know where to find the thing that you want, when you want it.
The place should make sense. Store the items close to where you will use them. This will make it easy to find things, and put them back in their place.
2. Have a dusting routine
Get into the habit of dusting all the surfaces in your house. Figure out a routine that works for you. For example, you can do it once a week, where you over all the surfaces. Wipe down everything using all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth. While you do that, put anything back into its designated spot.
You can see how it comes in handy and makes life so much easier when you know where everything belongs. Just doing these first two steps, will make your house look cleaner and more organized, and smell more fresh.
3. Never leave a room empty handed
This tip is absolutely life changing. Every time you move in the house, look around you. Take that coffee mug with you to the kitchen, or that nail file to your room. Chances are you will find something that belongs somewhere else, or in a different room.
Make it a habit. Never leave a room empty handed. Take something with you to its home. It will keep your home less cluttered, and it can prevent big messy clutters. Since you’re already moving, move something with you. It won’t even take a minute to pick something up and put it away.
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4. Keep a dust bin in every room
In my house there is a trash can / dust bin in every room. In the living room, bedrooms, den, bathrooms, and even the closet.
Place a bin in your closet, so you can throw out any tags or bags right away instead of having random bits of trash accumulate everywhere waiting for you to pick it up and throw it out later. And let’s face it, it might take a while before you do.
You’ll be amazed at how this simple trick will keep your house cleaner and less cluttered.
5. Make your bed every morning
This will give you a great start for your day, and you’ll be excited to come to a tidy bed at night.
I personally recommend airing out the bed, maybe open a window and get fresh air into your bedroom. After you do your morning routine, like washing your face, teeth, etc.. it’s time to make your bed. The room will instantly look more organized. I personally love this, because to me it is more peaceful and I function better when everything around me looks nice, and in its place.
6. Clean messes right when they happen. Never leave them for later.
Trust me on this one, you don’t want to leave a mess for later. It might seem easy to say I’ll deal with it later, but the truth is it would be a much easier task if you took care of it right away.
So what will happen if you left it to deal with it later? It will just stay there. It will become harder to clean. Imagine you spilled something, and you let it be absorbed into whatever surface and dry up. That will become much harder to clean.
The other thing that will happen, is that it will be a little bit easier to leave more messes around. It’s already messy, right? What is just another little mess? Then another. Then another. You see what I mean.
Just clean it right away. It will probably only take you a few minutes. You will feel better. And you won’t be inclined to leave more messes around.
7. Do the dishes and empty your kitchen sink every night
I always make sure that the dishes are done, and the sink is clean before we go to bed at night. There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning to a dirty sink and messy kitchen in the morning.
Make it a habit to clean up the dishes after every meal, and load up the dishwasher before going to bed. You will go to bed calm having left behind you a clean space. It is very peaceful and calming to wake up to a clean and tidy home. I love it! And I’m sure you will love it too.
What are your tips and tricks for a clean and organized home?